C2GPS is committed to ensure that we provide every opportunity for New Employees to be successful in their new position and role with our company. This commitment is evident in the development of the Mentoring Program.
Tenured staff volunteer to be a Mentor, they play a key role in our new employee onboarding process. Mentors help a new employee become acclimated and assimilated into the organization, making him or her feel welcome and comfortable. As a mentor, they will be contributing to the growth and development of C2 GPS’s talent pool, helping to ensure future success of the organization. They will also be building their capacity as a leader.
The Mentoring Program gives both mentors and mentees a unique opportunity to learn, share, and grow professionally and personally.
The Mentor Program was initiated at the Coastal Bend Contract in April 2021. Coastal Bend currently has 5 Mentors including: Elva Escobar (Office Coordinator II), Christina Iles (Lead, Career Center Staples), Karen Garcia (Career Counselor), Monica H. Gutierrez (PST) and Veronica Ugues (BS Recruiter).
These Mentors together have mentored 8 of our new employees during our Inaugural year with this program. The feedback has been positive from both the Mentors and the Mentees who participated. Congratulations Coastal Bend Mentors!
To find out more about the Mentor/Mentee Program at your contract, simply contact your HR Representative and they will be able to assist you!